This chapter offers another possibility of raw wool from a sustainable perspective.
During making my own spindle and thread, I found out that raw wool has a lot of natural attachments on it, we often wash it many times before to make the refine thread, but do we really need to?
One sheep can carry over 5000 seeds, have 3kg of poop one day, and have around 4kg of wool, the wool contains a lot of things which out of our imagination. This design wants to find out a new cooperation way between wool and the environment instead of refining it.
By experimenting the wool coexist with vegetation, and the organism on wool, I create a senecio of new wool life cycle.
1. Create the basic frame entangled the loose wool thread which twisting with seed.
2. Waiting for the vegetations growth, and use wool‘s nutrients to increase plants quantities.
3. When the vegetation is growing, open up the original frame and take away contaminants from the ground to prevent sheep from eating by mistake.
4. Extruded sheep‘s food tower also provides a shelter space which avoid sunshine but remain the transparency to the wind go through, or create a natural sheep fence. Create the diversity of space.
5. Around 3-4 months, the natural space division will disappeared and could provide another chance for the space configuration.
Script for wool life cycle.
Author: Hsing-Jen Lee. Midterm reviews (5.11.2021), FABUT WS 21/22